
Intensity Means EVERYTHING When Working out

Did you know that the 2 most important factors when it comes to gaining muscle mass from weight training is how much weight you lift, and the intensity in which you lift? Intensity means everything when you're working out. It's true, every single time you wrap your hands around a weight, your goal should...

Three Big Exercise Benefits from Coffee

Coffee is the fuel for civilization. For most of us, it's a necessary part of any morning. We already know about the alertness and day to day performance boosts that coffee can provide, but you may be surprised to learn how much of an improvement it can bring to your daily fitness activities. Whether...

6 Shockingly Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Cutting down your body fat is a fight against biology-- your body just doesn't want to let go of those precious reserves, and that's how humanity's survived long journeys, harsh conditions, and cold weather for hundreds of thousands of years. Times have changed, though, and we now have more than enough fat, and calories....

5 Reasons Why Fat is Your Friend

We live in a climate where the term “fat” itself has been vilified. The trend toward “low fat” or “no fat” foods during the 1980's seemed like a coup for those that were conscious about their diets, but it turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, as these “low fat” versions actually...

5 Foods You Should Eat After a Workout

Post-workout foods can often be just as important as what you eat beforehand-- the nutrients that you consume keep your energy levels nice and balanced, level out your blood sugar, and even help your body to recover from exercise while you build muscle. Here are five exceptional choices. 5. Bananas They're cheap, they're easy...

5 Fat Fighting Foods with Fiber

Fiber is a necessary part of the diet, but not because of how the body can break it down. In fact, it's the opposite; fiber helps to aid in the slowing of digestion, which helps your system to regulate its sugar levels and your cholesterol. Fat fighting foods that are naturally high in fiber...

4 Ways to Improve Your Pull-Up Exercises

Pull-up exercises are a fantastic way to strengthen the upper body, and even to build your core stability when performed properly. While some people can perform a pull-up, not everyone does them properly, and bad habits can actually hinder your performance and hurt any strength gains that you would otherwise make. With these four...