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Top 10 Best Workouts for Couples

These Top 10 best workout ideas for couples will have you spending more than just quality time with your partner.

Best Workouts for Couples

Having a gym buddy is one thing, but exercising with your significant other has more benefits than most people realize, with these top 10 best workouts for couples. Exercising increases endorphins in the body and when you work out as a couple you build those hormones together. It helps create a better bond and has been known to vastly improve relationships. But having your partner as a gym buddy is more than just that. It’s an opportunity to have fun and maybe even learn new things together. With the warm weather approaching it’s the perfect time to plan some great exercises and this list of top 10 best workouts for couples should help you on your way.



Yoga is such a vast umbrella of exercises. It offers so much in the way of strength training, meditation, and weight loss. And whether you’re a beginner or not, these few moves are fun and easy to do with a partner.

Forward Bend

Sit on the floor, facing your partner. Stretch your legs out in front of you and touch the soles of your feet firmly together. Reach out with your arms and lock hands. Feel those legs stretch and burn together and your backs aligning in harmony.

Downward Dog & Back Bend

One of you start by assuming the downward dog position, with your hands and feet firmly on the floor and behind arched into the air. The other partner can turn with their back facing you, their feet next to your hands, and then carefully lean into you, stretching their back over yours and creating the backward bend position.

Dead Lift Each Other

Dead Lift Each Other

Okay, maybe this one isn’t so much for the ladies, unless you’re much bigger and stronger than your partner. But start with one person, the lifter, standing firmly in position, feet shoulder width apart. Place your hand under your partner’s armpit and the other firmly on their thigh. Ease them down into a horizontal position and then carefully proceed to lift them into the air. This is a great exercise for both partners because it’s weight lifting for one and core strength training for the one being lifted.



This is an obvious choice as one of the best workouts for couples. Running together burns calories, strengthens the body, increases endorphins, and allow you to spend quality time with the person you love. Make it a fun competition and race each other. Take it one step further and participate in some local fund raising marathons.



Like running, swimming is another really common choice for couple’s workouts. Swimming sometimes goes under the radar in terms of great exercises but it’s actually one of the best you can do. It gives your body an all over workout while burning calories, upping those endorphins, and it’s just a good life skill to have. But with your partner you can make it more fun than it already is! Swim laps around one another, make it a competition, head to a lake and see who can swim to the other side first. The sky’s the limit with swimming.

Variants of Squats

Variants of Squats

Simple squats are a key factor in just about every exercise routine. They work the four main areas of the leg muscles; glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quads. But you can work that booty together using squats as a couple routine. You just have to get creative!

Double Squat

Stand in front of one another, chest facing. Make sure you can both stretch out your arms toward the other and touch hands. Grab hold and then, together, ease down into a squat position. Hold for a few seconds and then push back up. Repeat this for several reps and add it to your couples’ workout routine.

Back to Back Squat

Stand with your backs pressed together, feet shoulder width apart, and reach behind to lock arms with your partner’s. Tighten your core and then proceed to squat down. Hold the position for a few seconds and then ease back up without breaking the hold your arms have on one another. This is actually a great squat and core strengthening exercise to do together.

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing has a lot to offer in term of workouts for couples. If you’re a beginner to rock climbing, then it’s probably best to start off at a facility that has indoor rock climbing. Together, you can learn the ropes, build strength, and master the climbing wall. Once you both feel comfortable enough, you can take it outside and test the skills your learned together on the great outdoors. Head to the nearest hills or small mountain and start off small. Make it a fun couples trip as well as a great workout that you can do together.



Spotting always requires a friend or a personal trainer to be there with you. So why not make your significant other your spotter? It offers an opportunity to spend some extra time together while providing a trustworthy spotter to help you with your regular exercise routine. Make a day of it and take turns being each other’s spotter. Have fun, make it challenging by pushing the other to go higher, lift more, and to squeeze that one extra rep.



Hiking together is one of the perfect workouts for couples. It’s quality bonding time with your partner while keeping fit and having fun. If you have a local hiking trail nearby, then you can make it a daily part of your exercise routine. If travel is required to reach a good hiking spot, then pack up and make a trip of it. See how far you can both hike in a day before having to stop and set up camp. Hiking works just about every part of the body and is great cardio exercise.

Sit Ups & Inclined Push Ups

Sit Ups & Inclined Push Ups

This one take some coordination but if you can master it, it’s a great workout for couples. Start with one person seated on the floor in a position to begin a standard sit up with your knees bent and feet firmly on the floor. The other partner is to rest the tops of their feet on your knees and plant their hands on the floor in front of them, shoulder width apart. This will be for an inclined push up. Together, you can do sits ups and inclined push ups at the same time while increasing endorphins and bonding over your love of exercise.

Tip: to make it a little easier, the partner doing the sit ups can wear ankle weights to secure the feet more firmly and create a steadier base for their partner’s feet.

Dance Aerobics

Dance Aerobics

Don’t be too quick to pass off this one. Aerobics are a phenomenal cardio exercise and mixing it with dancing makes it fun. There are tons of great routines that you and your partner can discover and learn together like Zumba, Hip Hop Abs, and Belly Dancing. Together, you’ll be shedding pounds, burning calories, and learning a new skill that you can show off at events.

Whether or not you and your partner are into fitness, these workouts for couples can be done by anyone. These can be added to any standard workout routine or break them up and master one at a time. Doing fitness together strengthens more than just your muscles, it builds a bond between two people and brings them closer together. It increases the level of endorphins in your body which improves mood and sexual performance. If you haven’t thought about working out with your significant other, then there’s no better time than now. With the warm weather approaching, you have the world at your feet.


*Remember to stay hydrated. Encourage the other to drink lots of fluid before, during, and after any workout routine. Feed your body and quench your muscle’s thirst. Staying hydrated prevents fatigue and muscle failure.

*With any diet and exercise, a good balanced meal plan is key to positive results. Increase your protein and veggie intake and decrease your carbs and sugars.

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